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台南有線電視業者 首家全數位化
Jun 13th 2014, 11:00


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世足賽 地主隊巴西旗開得勝 運動題材吶喊發威
Jun 13th 2014, 02:10


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北市有線電視費 上限仍495元
Dec 19th 2013, 13:10

...表示,台北市有線電視基本頻道收視費率維持每月每戶上限為495元,全市明年度數位機上盒鋪設率須提升至75%。 觀傳局表示,台北市有線廣播電視系統費率審議委員會今天...

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Find Unique T-shirts

Explore the most popular t-shirts on Cafepress. Discover great designs celebrating anything you can think of.
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Jun 4th 2014, 02:40

...方案。 另外,最新USB 3.0介面的極致錄影盒CV710,可將數位單眼相機或攝影機的內容,以1080p 60fps的高畫質影像以raw data方式直接擷取錄製或上傳到Ustream / Youtube等,並內建...

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Take the Style Quiz

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Jun 5th 2014, 06:19


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Extra 20% off all Outlet Wake Gear!
From our sponsors
Jun 4th 2014, 00:59

...方案。 另外,最新USB 3.0介面的極致錄影盒CV710,可將數位單眼相機或攝影機的內容,以1080p 60fps的高畫質影像以raw data方式直接擷取錄製或上傳到Ustream / Youtube等,並內建...

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2013 Ski and Snowboard gear is on sale now.

Get ready for Spring with new arrivals and wake gear. Shop today.
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AMD更新R系列APU 嵌入應用更具圖像優勢
May 24th 2014, 02:18

...代號「Bald Eagle」平台產品,同樣主攻包含數位看板、電子機台、數位機上盒或醫療設備等嵌入式市場應用。 【 聯合新聞網╱記者楊又肇╱報導 】 AMD...

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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Crabtree & Evelyn.

Pamper yourself and save money with value size items on sale.
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網通廠 需求暢旺營收加分
Jun 9th 2013, 21:30

...記者林淑惠╱台北報導】 歐、美、大陸及台灣加速有線電視數位化,帶動本土生產數位機上盒的網通設備商上半年出貨成長、下半年持續看俏,仲琦(2419)、百一(6152...

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How To Lose 19.8 lbs In 21 Days.

Lose weight the right way and keep it off.
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無線電視數位化 新科技創新契機
Mar 21st 2014, 04:00


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Find Unique T-shirts

Explore the most popular t-shirts on Cafepress. Discover great designs celebrating anything you can think of.
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電視數位化普及率 今年要衝75%
May 18th 2014, 22:00


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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Shop Shabby Apple

Are you looking for vintage style or retro style dresses? Maybe it’s a modest cocktail dress or modest pencil skirt you’re looking for? Look no further!
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中華國際iSmart Box 獲認證
May 13th 2014, 22:01


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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
2013 Ski and Snowboard gear is on sale now.

Get ready for Spring with new arrivals and wake gear. Shop today.
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揚智 拓展付費電視市場
May 11th 2014, 22:00

工商時報【記者楊曉芳╱台北報導】 揚智(3041)宣布與數位機上盒製造商百一的合作關係,雙方將持續鎖定目標市場如東南亞、東歐、拉丁美洲等...

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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Shop Shabby Apple

Are you looking for vintage style or retro style dresses? Maybe it’s a modest cocktail dress or modest pencil skirt you’re looking for? Look no further!
From our sponsors
代號Flounder 新款Nexsu 8由HTC推出
May 9th 2014, 17:34

...機上盒裝置也 同樣再次被發現 ,或許將是搭載Android TV平台的數位機上盒裝置,或許也將在今年Google I/O 2014期間公布。 在2012年...

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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Get the newest, latest, hottest

Find shoes, heels, flats, active, essentials and more in the latest styles. Save up to 40% on select items.
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凱擘大寬頻致力全區數位化 數位小巴前進大湖公園
May 9th 2014, 13:04


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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Crabtree & Evelyn.

Pamper yourself and save money with value size items on sale.
From our sponsors
May 8th 2014, 10:48

.../4G通訊用模組,還有智慧電網、與物聯網(M2M)的應用。 在數位家庭方面,啟碁主要是投入了STB(機上盒)類產品。在主要電信成熟國家進行的如火如荼的4G產業上,啟碁則出貨...

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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Crabtree & Evelyn.

Pamper yourself and save money with value size items on sale.
From our sponsors
揚智、百一 合攻機上盒
May 6th 2014, 22:01

工商時報【記者楊曉芳╱台北報導】 機上盒系統晶片廠揚智昨(6)日宣布,與製造商百一合作推出一系列機上盒產品,目標...

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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
How To Lose 19.8 lbs In 21 Days.

Lose weight the right way and keep it off.
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數位取代類比 無線台肩負使命高
Mar 20th 2014, 06:01


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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
2013 Ski and Snowboard gear is on sale now.

Get ready for Spring with new arrivals and wake gear. Shop today.
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奪標搜影技術 各國頻道隨選即看
Oct 7th 2013, 21:30


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Take the Style Quiz

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機上盒升溫 凌陽Q2成長可期
Apr 25th 2014, 01:49

...傳統旺季,IC設計廠凌陽科技第2季業績可望順利攀高。 凌陽目前產品線以機上盒及車載數位影音晶片為主,另外,合併營收同時認列旗下消費性IC廠凌通業績。 第1季...

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數位機上盒 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
How To Lose 19.8 lbs In 21 Days.

Lose weight the right way and keep it off.
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機上盒升溫 凌陽Q2成長可期
Apr 25th 2014, 01:25

...傳統旺季,IC設計廠凌陽科技第2季業績可望順利攀高。 凌陽目前產品線以機上盒及車載數位影音晶片為主,另外,合併營收同時認列旗下消費性IC廠凌通業績。 第1季...

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